10 essential Ruby on Rails gems and libraries

Ruby on Rails has a rich ecosystem of gems and libraries that can help you to extend the functionality of your applications. In this guide, we will introduce 10 essential Ruby on Rails gems and libraries that you should consider using in your projects.

  1. Devise: Devise is a popular gem for authentication and user management. It provides a full-featured and customizable solution for managing user accounts, passwords, and permissions.

  2. Pundit: Pundit is a gem for authorization and policy management. It allows you to define and enforce policies for user permissions, and to ensure that users can only access the resources and actions that they are authorized for.

  3. RSpec: RSpec is a popular gem for testing Ruby on Rails applications. It provides a flexible and powerful testing framework, with a rich set of tools and matchers for testing different aspects of your app.

  4. Capybara: Capybara is a gem for acceptance testing. It allows you to simulate user interactions, such as clicking buttons and filling out forms, and to test the behavior and output of your app in a real-world scenario.

  5. ActiveJob: ActiveJob is a gem for background processing. It allows you to define and run jobs, such as sending emails or importing data, in the background, without blocking the main thread of your application.

  6. ActiveStorage: ActiveStorage is a gem for file storage and management. It allows you to upload, manage, and serve files, such as images and documents, and to integrate with popular cloud storage providers, such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.

  7. ActionCable: ActionCable is a gem for real-time communication. It allows you to create and manage websockets, and to push updates and notifications to connected clients in real-time.

  8. Webpacker: Webpacker is a gem for asset management and bundling. It allows you to use modern JavaScript tools and libraries, such as React and Vue.js, in your Ruby on Rails applications, and to compile and bundle your assets for production use.

  9. Draper: Draper is a gem for view decoration. It allows you to create decorators for your views, and to add additional behavior and presentation logic to your views without cluttering your model and controller code.

  10. Money-rails: Money-rails is a gem for dealing with money and currencies. It provides support for multiple currencies, exchange rates, and currency conversions, and allows you to easily and accurately manipulate and display monetary values in your app.

Overall, these 10 gems and libraries are essential for many Ruby on Rails

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