Summary - WATCH THIS EVERY DAY To Brainwash Yourself For SUCCESS & ABUNDANCE! | Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

  • We tend to have negative self-talk, a victim mindset, and feel overwhelmed and anxious. This is the current reality for many.

  • To break this pattern, we need to change our thoughts since our thoughts create our reality. We have 60K-70K thoughts per day and 90% are the same as the day before. If we keep thinking the same, our life won't change.

  • The same thoughts lead to the same choices, behaviors, experiences, and emotions. Our biology, neurochemistry, hormones, and genes are impacted by how we think, act and feel which creates our personality and personal reality. To change our reality, we must change our personality by changing our thoughts, becoming aware of habits and emotions, and modifying them.

  • It's difficult because we tend to prefer the familiar and predictable. The unknown and uncertainty cause discomfort. But the more we face the discomfort, the more we break habitual patterns. Meditation helps us become aware of thoughts, speech, actions, and feelings. We have to sustain the changes throughout the day, not just during meditation. Things will start to change in our lives through coincidence and synchronicity.

  • There is a formula for change but crossing from our old self to the new self causes a "neurological, biological, chemical, hormonal, genetic death of the old self." But knowing there is something on the other side can encourage us to not give up. Evidence shows change is possible at any age or circumstance. Going "all in" and getting beyond our old self leads to transformation.

  • We stay attached to our old selves due to security, safety, familiarity, and conditioning as materialists who overly rely on our senses. But we can believe in and emotionally embrace a new future possibility to the point that our body and unconscious mind changes to match it. The pain of staying the same must become greater than the pain of change for change to happen.

  • Know the difference between the actual experiences in your life creating emotions and the emotions you imagine that lead to physiological changes. According to epigenetics, imagining future experiences can lead to actual physiological changes.

  • Practice imagining your desired future every day. This installs the neural connections and conditions your body to feel as if it has already happened. This makes you a "vortex" or "magnet" for your destiny.

  • Don't get impatient if changes don't happen immediately. Stay focused on the vision of your future self rather than analyzing why it hasn't happened yet. This avoids the trap of defining reality based on your senses.

  • Catch yourself when you start feeling anxiety, frustration or other past-based emotions. Note these moments and rehearse how you will respond differently next time. This installs the neural hardware to support your future-focused self. With practice, this becomes automatic.

  • Take time each day to evaluate how you did at staying focused on your vision. Note where you "fell from grace" and determine how you'll do better next time that situation arises. Envision your ideal response. This builds the neural connections to support that new response.

  • Staying focused and conscious takes a lot of initial effort and energy. But with determination and practice, you get better at it. Learn to self-regulate emotions and not give your power away to external events. Use challenges as opportunities to strengthen your vision.

  • Your most valuable moments are when you overcome your past self. People who have transcendent experiences often appreciate their entire journey, hard times included, because it led to that moment. Understand that the effort to become your vision makes you unstoppable.

  • Once you achieve a desired vision, enjoy and savor it fully. Then evolve to the next vision to continue progressing. This is the nature of human evolution and growth.

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