Type of tests
There are many different types of tests that are commonly used in programming. Some examples of these tests include:
Unit tests: Unit tests are small, isolated tests that verify the behavior of a single component or unit of code. Unit tests are typically written by developers, and are used to ensure that individual units of code are working as expected.
Integration tests: Integration tests are larger tests that verify the behavior of multiple components or units of code working together. Integration tests are typically written by developers, and are used to ensure that different units of code are able to communicate and collaborate effectively.
Functional tests: Functional tests are tests that verify the behavior of an application or system from the user's perspective. Functional tests are typically written by QA engineers, and are used to ensure that the application or system is working as expected from the user's point of view.
Performance tests: Performance tests are tests that measure the performance and scalability of an application or system. Performance tests are typically written by QA engineers, and are used to ensure that the application or system can handle the expected workload and scale as needed.
Overall, there are many different types of tests that are commonly used in programming, each of which serves a different purpose and provides different benefits. By using a combination of these tests, developers and QA engineers can ensure that their code is working correctly and efficiently, and can identify and fix any issues or bugs.